Biennial General Meeting Sunday 18 Feb 2024- Jack and Jill, Clayton.

The Biennial General Meeting of the Brighton Centre of the Morgan Sports Car Club took place at the Jack and Jill, Clayton.

After Apologies for Absence there was a minute’s silence remembering Members who had passed away since our February 2022 Meeting : John Brockliss, John Loveridge, Anthony Gibbons and David Chapman.

This was followed by Reports from The Centre Secretary, Treasure and Social Secretary.

The following appointments were proposed and seconded for the coming two years:

Centre Secretary Alan Sharpe

Social Secretaries Bob Care, Jeff Deere and Geoff Heath,

Treasurer Brian Jacobs,

Website Manager Geoff Roberts

Moderator/Ringmaster Alan Sharpe.

There then followed a brief outline of ideas from our incoming Centre Secretary and Social Secretaries and a presentation to ‘Member of the Year’,  Mike Elliot.