The Roebuck Hotel and visit to Nutley Windmill – Sunday April 30 2023

On a perfect day for a drive into the countryside April and Tony Wright had organised for us a two stage programme starting with an excellent lunch at the Roebuck Hotel in Wych Cross followed by a visit to Nutley Windmill in Nutley, East Sussex.

30 Sexmoggers arrived in 15 or so Morgans at The Roebuck to enjoy their Sunday Main Menu which was very tasty and promptly served by a team of waiters. We were due at Nutley Windmill by 2pm, which was just 3 miles away from lunch but first we had to negotiate an unmade track to the windmill which was full of potholes and serious ruts, sending our Morgans in all directions to avoid the terrain. Enough said about that until we had to do the journey again on the way back!
Arrangements had been made for us to park in a field adjacent to the Mill which made for an impressive sight with the Morgans in front of the Mill. We were able to tour the Mill and workshop and chat to the volunteers about their renovation works.
We were told that it is the oldest and the only Open Trestle Post Mill in the country. At the moment the sweeps ( sails) were damaged in a storm and have been removed for repair on site.
Thanks to Tony and April for organising the day.
£120 was raised towards The Nutley Windmill Charity to aid their repairs and the volunteers were delighted.
Photos above courtesy David Neary
Photos courtesy April Wright.