Sexmog Annual Spring Lunch Sunday 7 May 2023


On a rare dry day this May Mike and Jo Fenwick reinstated our Annual Spring Lunch, which over the last few years has suffered from cancellations and delays due to events which which everybody is familiar.  It was held at Haywards Heath Golf Club and as it happened this was also the Coronation weekend so members were in a celebration mood.

40 Sexmog members including some from HopMog sat at 5 tables in the club`s dining area after having enjoyed a welcome drink. The food was excellent and well presented and after coffee Mike Fenwick presented some awards as usual.

The Morgan Wings were presented both to Terry Miles and to Dave Collins for their joint effort in helping to get Tony and April`s Morgan back into action again  after it had not been running for a while. The wooden spoon went to Chas and Kay Vyse who were due to go on honeymoon in their brand new Morgan but  factory delivery was late – as CX models that were recalled from owners, those cars took precedence over cars still in production. Sarah lent them a BHM Morgan.

Angela officiated over and set up a raffle after Mike`s presentation with the proceeds  going to the Stroke Association.

Marilyn proposed a round of applause to thank Mike and Jo for organising the successful event.

Photographs from David Neary plus one from Mike Fenwick.