Lunch at the Roebuck Hotel, Wych Cross and visit to Nutley Windmill

11:45 am - 4:30 pm
Roebuck Hotel, Wych Cross

Sexmog visit to the Roebuck Hotel for lunch and visit to Nutley Windmill : please can you confirm your interest for both or either as soon as possible but by the latest 14th April 2023. Thank you.

Lunch at the Roebuck Hotel, Wych Cross, Forest Row RH18 5JL
(01342 823811) arrive for lunch at 12 noon, so we would suggest 11.45 am arrival, there is plenty of on site parking. We will be eating in the restaurant, seated where possible as a group.
Sunday lunch Menu can be viewed on line add postcode RH18 5JL Roebuck Hotel select Sunday Main Menu, where you will find Sunday Roasts, Pub Classic and burgers for your choice (included Veggie option), this slightly limited selection of choices will enable staff to provide quicker service, as we need to be parked in the grounds of Nutley Windmill by 2pm (the windmill is open to public at 2.30 and Mill Volunteers have requested we park by this time. The drive to the windmill from the Roebuck will take approx 10 minutes. Please have your menu choices confirmed to April and Tony Wright ( Tel 01825 712166) by Sunday 16 April 2023.
Payment for food will be on the day by the individual or couple or group with the hotel, along with all other purchases made at the bar or in restaurant. Please confirm any food allergies or special dietary requirement when replying to us for us to confirm to the restaurant. We will have choices list available on the day.

Anyone wishing just to have lunch or just visit Windmill can do so, please let us know your option in advance.

Visit to Nutley Windmill , Crowborough Road, Nutley, East Sussex TN22 3HY on the Ashdown Forest from 2pm. We can park in the field adjacent to the Mill, which is accessed via an unmade single track road (a little bumpy- take care). There will be a sign at the top of the track entrance from Crowborough Road. We will be able to tour the Mill & workshop and chat to the volunteers about their renovation works. There is also a small exhibition. A history sheet will be provided. The sweeps were unfortunately damaged in a storm prior to last Christmas and have been removed and are being repaired on site. Access in to Mill is still possible via some steep steps.
There is a mapped circular walk approximately 1.7 miles/2.8km from the windmill around an adjacent section of the forest leading back to the Mill for anyone wishing to
explore the surrounding area or walk off lunch. You can do as little or as much of the walk as your legs will allow; there are some gradual gradients.
Please bring along your seats for the afternoon if you wish. When the weather is agreeable the views are super. Tea and coffee will be available. Anyone wishing to provide a cake or biscuits this would be much appreciated. Toilet facilities are available on site. We have agreed to make a small donation to help funds towards repairing the sweeps, and Tony will have a box available on the day should you wish to help. We will also be allowed to park free of charge at the Mill. As many of you will know, the local authority have recently started charging visitors to park on the Ashdown Forest, which has affected visitor numbers to the Mill and Forest areas.
For those attending lunch and/or the Mill visit, it would be helpful to have provisional numbers as soon as possible but we will need to know Final figures & Menu choices by 16th April 2023.
For further information or confirmation please contact April or Tony Wright  01825712166.



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