This year’s display is on Sunday 4 August at the Mill in High Salvington. We try to arrive by 13h45 as it is safer to all be parked before the mill opens to the public at 14h30 (but often earlier if there is a long queue) and in the past couple of years there has been a queue forming to get in. Many of us meet at the Mill around 12h30 so we can arrange the cars around the mill. Some bring a picnic which we eat in small groups. Then the Millers arrange our tours of the mill around 14h00 before the public ones. It normally finishes around 17h00 when it is safe to move the cars again. So please be aware that cars will be expected to stay until the end of the event as it is very dangerous to have cars moving whilst the public are still there.
As always, teas, delicious home made cakes and ice cream are available at extremely low prices. The mill charges £1.00 per person for the mill tour, which again is fantastic value and it all goes towards the upkeep of the mill.
If you are interested and would like to reserve a space for this year please let me know as soon as possible because as many of you know the display places are limited.
We have about twenty two car spaces to fill and it would be good to have a wide selection of types and makes of cars/bikes on display. It is not just for Morgans, last year we had a really good display of many different types and marques, which is so much more interesting for the visitors. As many of you know one side of the mill grounds is more sloping and a bit difficult for the low ground clearance cars such as Morgans to negotiate, so if you have a particular problem please let me know in advance. If you or a friend has any other classic vehicle and is interested please contact me .
If you need more information please email me and I’ll try to find the answer.
Looking forward to seeing you and your vehicles at the mill. Please note, again this year I am using a dedicated email address.
With reference to the General Data Protection Regulations can you please confirm that you do not mind me holding your email address on my password protected computer, and that I may contact you about future similar events at the Mill. I will not pass any information provided to any other person or organisation.
Ann English