Visit to Denmans Garden & Mid Pines Restaurant, Chichester, Wed 12th July

11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Arundel BN18 0SU, Denmans Lane



Karen and I have organised a pleasant morning and afternoon at Denmans Gardens.
This is a Grade 11 garden and RHS garden of the year in 2021. It is not a big garden but one with lots of interesting features.

The plan is as follows.
1 Meet at 11am for coffee
2 Tour Gardens at your leisure
3 Lunch at Mid Pines cafe around 1 / 1:30pm (on site)
Choose from their wide selection of food with indoor and outdoor seating.
4 Visit Garden centre and Gift Shop

Entry price £6:75 which includes a small discount. Parking available on site. Morgan area to be specified at gardens.

The Gardens are almost next to Fontwell Horse Racing Course.

Arundel is a lovely town close by and well worth a visit for those who don’t visit West Sussex very often.

Please let Karen and I know by Monday 3rd July if  you would like to attend as we need to provide numbers for gardens and lunch.

07896 288807.

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