Last date for registration for the car club area is 1st July. – Don’t miss it!
Philip Loring is coordinating a Morgan Display at the Cranleigh Lions Classic Car Show on Sunday 11thAugust. This event normally attracts around 1500 classic vehicles each year and up to 8000 visitors. www.cranleighlions.org/events/classic-car-show
There is also live music, food and drinks stalls, Autojumble, Kids entertainment, vehicles for sale, a large antiques market, general country and trade stalls, plus specialist Arena activities all day long.
There will be a dedicated Morgan Club area in a prime position, where we can all meet, have a picnic, or eat in the food village and generally enjoy the day.
Currently there are 17 Morgans registered.
Bookings are now open for this event and in order to park in the dedicated Morgan area you must first register at https://carshow.cranleighlions.org using our club code KDC4734.There is a registration fee of £6 per car to include driver and passenger. Please note that the minimum age of vehicle registration does not apply to us. However in order to make their booking system work, for any car less than 20 years old please enter 1995 as your year of registration.
If you need any more information or are having problems in registering please contact Philip by email at ploring62@gmail.com. You can pay on the day (£10) but you will not be able to park in the dedicated Morgan area.
All proceeds from the show will be used to support the less fortunate in our community and also support national and international Lions appeals and projects.
Calling all expert drivers!
This year the Lions would like to feature the Morgan celebrating 110 years or Morgan Cars. We will be holding a fun manoeuvring competition in the main arena and require 5 or 6 volunteers prepared to have a go at a simple non damaging and slow speed driving test.
Its great fun and would be excellent if we could have models representing the complete range 4/4 to plus 8. However you must have a luggage rack!
If you are interested in volunteering or have any problems in registering for the event please do not hesitate to contact me by email ploring62@gmail.com. or telephone 01483 276884 / 07947 695524
Philip Loring
UPDATE 6 Aug 2019
For those of you who have already registered for the Cranleigh Classic Car Show, we look forward to seeing you there on Sunday. Gates open for classic cars from 7.30am but I suggest not arriving that early but certainly by 10.30am or so if you don’t what to get caught in long entrance queues.
If you have not yet registered there is still time. You can still register as late as the10th of August. It’s £4 cheaper if you register in advance and quicker to get in. Whilst it is too late to register for a space in the Morgan Club area, due to last minute cancellations there are two spaces available.
If you have already registered or register very quickly and email me ploring62@gmail.com with your registration number I can probably get you onto the pitch. First come first served. Only two spaces available. If you would also like to enter the gymkhana then that will give you priority!
We have over 1200 Classic vehicles registered so far with many more expected on the day, so we are looking forward to a great show.
There will be lots to see and do, trade stalls, arena events including, special car features, Surrey Fire brigade’s party trick of cutting a car in half to remove a crash victim and not to be missed, the Morgan Gymkhana Challenge! Air Ambulance KSS will be raffling a new mini and all this plus music, food and more.
If you’re not going to Prescott then you should be in Cranleigh!