Our Biannual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 18th February following midday lunch at The Jack and Jill Inn at Brighton Road, Clayton.
1 Apologies for Absence
2 Remembering members who have passed away since February 2022
John Brockliss John Loveridge Antony Gibbons Davis Chapman
3 Reports of the Officers: Centre Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary
4 Election of Officers for the coming 2 years and handover
Centre Secretary Alan Sharp
Social Secretaries Bob Care Jeff Deere and Geoff Heath
Treasurer Brian Jacobs
Website Manager Geoff Roberts
Moderator/Ringmaster Alan Sharpe
5 A brief outline of ideas from our incoming Centre Secretary and Social Secretaries
6 Member of the year presentation
7 Any other business – Drive it day Sunday 21st April
Richards Miers