Our February meeting is our Biennial General Meeting. This has been arranged as in previous years at The Bull at Henfield at 12 noon (prompt!) on Sunday 12th February. Please arrive between 11.30 and 12.00 to ensure a prompt start.
As usual this will consist of (hopefully) a short meeting followed by a pizza lunch and if there is time maybe some skittles. The cost of the lunch will be £8.50 per head. Please let us know if you are coming and any dietary requirements (there will be vegetarian pizzas available) by Wednesday 8th February so we can advise the pub how many to cater for. Usual email address pavmog@outlook.com Also please remember to bring your MSCC membership card with you. This meeting is traditionally where we appoint the various officers for the next 2 years. We will be retiring as Social Secretaries having completed our 2 years so if anyone is interested in taking over please speak to us and we will give you an idea of what is involved.
Please give us a call on 01435 813391 or email us at pavmog@outlook.com and we will explain what is involved. It is definitely an excellent way to get to know everyone in the centre.
We are still looking for someone to replace Mike Elliott as Centre Secretary as he will be standing down at the BGM, so if you are interested please give Mike a call 01273 843904 or email him at m.pelliott@btinternet.com and he will let you know what is involved.
The full address of the pub is:
The Bull Inn
London Road
West Sussex