Our next meeting will be our Biennial General Meeting, or should we say ‘Triennial’ as we could not have one last year because of ‘lockdown’ restrictions.
It will be held at The Jack and Jill Pub Brighton Road Clayton BN6 9PD with our normal Sunday lunch first at 12 noon followed by the BGM at 2pm. As before we will be in their function room at the back of the pub.
The pub do not need to know menu choices if you are having a Sunday Roast but do need to know numbers so please let Vikki know if you are coming by Monday 7th February.
If however you want something other than a Sunday roast you need to ring the pub in advance to let them know your menu choice, and tell them you are with the Morgan group. A menu will be on their website
www.thejackandjillinn.co.uk and their telephone number is 01273 843595.
Don’t forget to let Vikki know you are coming as well, (pavmog@outlook.com) so we know the total who will be there and how many agendas to print.
Please see the note which Paul circulated on 19 November 2021:
In February next year we will be holding our delayed from last year Biennial General Meeting at which we will be appointing a Centre Secretary and Social Co-ordinator for the next 2 years.
I will be standing down as Centre Secretary and Vikki will be standing down as Social Co-ordinator as our circumstances have changed and we will be spending part of each year in France added to which I have done 5 years as your Centre Secretary and Vikki 3 years as Social Co-ordinator previous to which we did 2 years as Social Secretaries, so after 7 years we feel it is time for a rest.
We are therefore looking for volunteers to take over these positions at the BGM.
The Centre Secretary’s role is to be the liaison between the Centre and the MSCC. It involves attending the National Committee meetings (currently only 2 per year) either in person or possibly now via ‘Zoom’, reporting to members what is happening in the club, maintaining the Centre Membership List, welcoming new members to the Centre etc. If you are interested in taking on this role please speak to me and I can give you more information on what is involved.
Prior to the last BGM the Centre had Social Secretaries who organised all meetings during their 2 years tenure. As there were no volunteers to take on this role it was agreed that instead the role be changed to a Social Co-ordinator to co-ordinate events to be organised by individual members which Vikki has been doing for the last 3 years. Speak to Vikki if you would like to take on this role.
I would remind members as I did 3 years ago that under the rules of MSCC the Centre must have a Centre Secretary and if there is not one the Centre becomes dormant and no details will therefore appear in Miscellany, until a new one is appointed.
Remember this is your Centre and for it to function and to continue to give enjoyment to you all these positions will need to be filled.