High Salvington Mill Sunday 7 August 2016

12:30 pm - 5:00 pm
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On Sunday 7th August Ann English is organising the High Salvington Mill Classic Car Day. This event is not restricted to Morgans and other classic cars or motorcycles are welcome. Numbers of vehicles are however limited to 22 because of the size of the site so if you would like to come please let Ann know as soon as possible with details of the car/motorcycle you will be bringing, either by email to car4mill@btinternet.com or by phone to 01903 831387. All vehicles must be on site by 2pm but many people arrive from 12.30 onwards and have a picnic before the gates open to the public at 2.30pm. In addition the millers arrange tours of the mill from 2pm before the public ones. The mill charges £1 per person for a mill tour – it all goes towards the upkeep of the mill.  There are also teas, cakes and ice creams available at extremely low prices.

It normally finishes around 17h00 when it is safe to move the cars again.

The full address of the Mill is High Salvington Mill, Furze Lane, High Salvington, West Sussex, BN13 3PS.

If you are interested and would like to reserve a space for this year please let Anne know as soon as possible .

We have twenty two car spaces to fill and it would be good to have a wide selection of types and makes of cars/bikes on display. It is not just for Morgans, last year we had a really good display of many different types and marques, which is so much more interesting for the visitors. If you or a friend has any other classic vehicle and is interested please contact her.
Some of you have already telephoned or spoken to Anne about this but she would appreciate a confirmation email would be appreciated for her records. Please note the  new email that Anne has  set up for this event so she can keep tabs on replies etc.    car4mill@btinternet.com

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